Appropriating a variety of familiar motif and themes from both Indian and Western pictorial tradition, I re-contextualize them in the light of contemporary issues. I deliberately combine icons of “High” art and those of mass culture with wit and irony
Artists in the Gallery
Secondhand images filtered through the media now exert a powerful influence on our perception of reality, making reality itself artificial. The distinctions between model and copy, mediated experience and tangible reality are all but blurred..
Intrigued by the formal boundaries of painting as they relate to objects and architecture, I use materials, space, color and geometry to study the limits of these boundaries. Through the Modernist tradition, painting has been preoccupied with pictorial illusionistic space..
My art mostly reflects social issues that matter to me. I also love nature and its colors. With vibrant colors, my work frequently celebrates nature and its beauty. Many of them also have geometric patterns or mathematical..
One frequently hears that it is futile to search for meaning in art. Since the end of my art training, I have been exploring various avenues to test the validity of this view. I have discovered that my creative endeavor
My work is made up of a personal vocabulary of marks, which are loosely based on the constantly evolving urban landscape. For years, I looked to nature for inspiration– trees, clouds, and leaves, and edited out the rest..